Today I’m glad to announce the winners of my very first timelapse challenge. Thanks to all the competitors for the videos sent. Remember that every timelapse that you shoot makes you a better timelapser or overal filmmaker, so take part in as much contests as you can, shoot as much as you can and you’ll become an expert in timelapse photography 🙂

There are 5 winners, who get their prizes – all 5 winners get my custom hat and places from 1-3 get both my hat and moza Mini-Mi gimbal. Yes, that’s correct, we’re giving away not 1, but 3 gimbals! 🙂 All thanks to Gudsen Moza.

Check out the winners, get inspired by them and be creative in your next projects! 🙂

If you don’t want to miss the next challenge, maybe it’s time to enable the notifications from my blog? 😉 If you don’t like that, subscribe to newsletter with your email. I’m hoping to start sending some cool stuff soon!


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