Course program

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Timelapse Course

2 hour 33 minutes

I advise everyone to start here, even if you had some experience with timelapse. I start with very basics, including naming in timelapse world, but as we’re diving deeper and deeper into course there are more advanced techniques, useful also for hyperlapse.

Timelapse Course

Hyperlapse Course

1 hour 39 minutes

If you know already how to shoot timelapse let’s take it a step higher and learn hyperlapse. It’s that unique technique, that let you move the camera every direction and speed during the timelapse shot. The results are amazing!

Advanced timelapse and hyperlapse techniques

1 hour 16 minutes

You want somthing more? Here are lessons about techniques I consider as advanced.

Director’s Commentary series

1 hour 32 minutes

Here’s a place to watch how I made award winning timelapse films, from absolute beginning, so concept of the film, through the shooting process all the way to editing. You can see all the problems I had during the shooting and how I solve them. You’ll see which parts of the films where planned before and which one were developed in post.


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